
Showing posts from September, 2020

Gold Mother Earth

Black Goddess covered with Gold Displaying the secrets of Mother A-fri-ca Shine bright, Queen. Tonight.  Matching with the streets paved in God's King-Dom. Drums beating from heav-un Portraying His best Crea-tion. Mother Earth.  The heart beats:          Thump. Thump. Shine Bright. Queen. Gold. Bling. #YoK


Attached we are flying Together thru da wind Detached we are nothing But wings #YoK

blac keep poppin bac

They say black is beautiful, but I can't tell. Everytime i wear my black skin beautifully,  whitey says I'm going straight to hell. I covered up my skin, Trying to fit in... But my black keeps popping back... time and time again. #YoK

Focus on wut matters

Focus on what matters... Get woken up in da middle of da night cuz of my bladder I need my cuz in a swimming pool wit that ladder Jus da start of dat, da rest dont matter I'm blessed to be alive God ceased the rest of that chatter Won't jump down that hole  Like da mad hatter Keep on looking like a mole, and the while world will shatter... Don't go bac, jus let it go. They let you go when they misunderstood you They left you to rot, like an animal in a zoo... But, that wasn't God's plan.   He sent .e the right combination to get thru so I can live the Master's plan. ... and that's all that Matters. Less stress will get you less fatter. God said let go and jus relax, Yo. Get out that room, and go all the way up. His blessings on Blessings will shut them all up. Focus on God, He know's what's up! Live life to the fullest,  Never mind what was ruined. Jus get your house in order, God knows what He's doin'. Let His love shine thru you...

Release the fools

Staying swaying from wut broke me... The easy part. They abandoned me when they think I lost my mind. They will never understand me. They are the true epitome of the evil that lies within. I had to release it all to release the sin Darkness. Rock bottom. Then be born again. God is my true friend.  The people will never get it. They jus wanted to stop me from finding myself. In their eyes they were stopping me from Indulging in more sin. Their ending.  Within me... I begin again. Keep what helped me through  And release the enemy. The fools.

Change ur thinking

Recycle experiences maybe Ultimately change thinking lately Time changes all things Upbeat moods when you sing Unfortunately everyone dont deserve ur ring Do wut u want and preserve energy Dont retrace negative people or things People change on you. Especially family. Love yourself and all good memories Bad experiences update growth  Bad energy negates personal oath. Love yourself love others No love to negative. Dont bother. Enemies hate. Dont bother.